Herniated Discs

A herniated disc, also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, occurs when the soft, gel-like center of a spinal disc pushes through a tear in its tough outer layer. This condition can cause significant pain, numbness, and weakness, especially if the herniated disc presses on surrounding nerves. At Southern Coast Spine & Pain Specialists, we offer expert diagnosis and tailored treatments for herniated disc pain to help you regain mobility and reduce discomfort.

What is a Herniated Disc?

Your spine is made up of a series of vertebrae separated by spinal discs, which act as shock absorbers. When one of these discs becomes damaged—whether from injury, aging, or degeneration—the soft inner portion (nucleus) can push through the outer layer (annulus). If the herniation irritates nearby nerves, it can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Back pain: Typically localized near the affected disc.
  • Radiating pain: Pain that extends to other areas like the arms or legs, depending on the location of the herniated disc.
  • Numbness or tingling: A herniated disc may compress a nerve, causing these sensations in the areas served by the nerve.
  • Muscle weakness: The affected nerve can lead to weakened muscles in the limbs.

Have a Herniated Disc? Contact Us Today!

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    Comprehensive Herniated Disc Treatments

    At Southern Coast Spine & Pain Specialists, our team of highly trained specialists is dedicated to helping you find relief from herniated disc pain. By offering advanced, minimally invasive treatments, we aim to restore your mobility and get you back to the activities you enjoy.

    If you are experiencing symptoms of a herniated disc, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our team will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific condition and goals.